Our Story

Blake and Nancy Averill, with their daughters Madison Swan and Dani Averill, founded their family foundation in 2022 with the intent that it become a cornerstone of their collective family legacy for generations to come. 

Our family shares a belief in the inherency of human value and dignity, and we are energized to spread unconditional love across the globe through charitable giving and acts of service. Our name, Honoring Neighbors, reflects how we define love in action:

Honor (v): To see and treat someone as dignified and worthy of intentional love, respect, and service, simply because of their inherent and unconditional human value.

Neighbor (n):  Everyone, everywhere.

We see our world becoming more connected every day, and we believe that barriers and divisions are illusions contrary to our design.  We are all human, all of us share the human experience, and each of us deserves to truly know unconditional love – a love freely given that carries no expectation for return.

We look for people to whom we can share the experience of love without expectation, and for organizations that do this well.